The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Adelphia shuffles lineup digital

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Adelphia has shuffled the channel lineup for its digital customers along with a price hike, and added two channels for its Classic cable customers with no increase.

Previously, Adelphia's digital cable customers often faced a confusing array of 18 different packages, said Louis Abraham, the cable provider's general manager. With the new lineup, five different packages will now be offered to digital customers.

"We wanted to add programming to our digital platform while presenting our customers with an easier format to choose the programming they want,'' Abraham said.

Serving a total of 20,858 cable customers in the Shenango Valley and Reynolds, Adelphia has about 6,500 subscribers who are digital customers. Since this is a new lineup there's no exact price comparison, but Abraham said digital customers can expect to pay about $9 more a month.

"But in the end they will be getting more bang for their buck by getting a better package,'' he said. "From a consumer's standpoint, it's simpler and gives them more value.

The five digital packages are:

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