The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, October 4, 2003

Pooch's odyssey started in Mo.

By Patrecka F. Adams
Herald Staff Writer

What began as a search for the owner of a little black dog ended happily Friday.

Karen Kaniewski's search began Thursday afternoon when she couldn't convince her black Labrador retriever, Harley Rupert, to come inside the house.

The dog's barking and strange actions made the West Middlesex woman curious, so she went to investigate.

The source of the commotion became obvious when she saw a tiny black dog on the other side of her fence going "nose to nose" with her dog.

"The cute little dog ran in the house and jumped right up on the couch," she said.

While inspecting the dog, Mrs. Kaniewski found several tags, including one that listed an 800 number, which she promptly called.

That's when she found out her new canine friend was registered at a Missouri military base.

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