The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, October 10, 2003

Natural gas well proposed for Riverside Park

By Amanda Smith-Teutsch
Herald Staff Writer

A natural gas well could be the latest addition to Riverside Park in Greenville.

Todd Suckow, a land agent for Bocor of North Canton, Ohio, made a proposal to Greenville council Thursday for at least one and possibly two gas wells on park land.

"The wells would stand about 4 feet high and be fenced in, with bushes planted so it would be aesthetically pleasing," he said.

Under the proposed agreement, the company would lease the land where the gas well and two tanks would be located, pay a royalty of up to 12è percent on the gas drawn from the well, and possibly negotiate a sign-on bonus and free gas bills for the Recreation Center, Suckow said.

The sign-on bonus is what interested Borough Manager Vance Oakes. The borough, he said, would be able to use money from the gas well to build restrooms at the park.

Suckow said the first gas well would be located in a field across the park drive from the Greenville Memorial Pool building.

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