The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, October 18, 2003

Borough cops sporting new duds

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

When people speeding through Grove City get pulled over by borough police, the drivers won't be able to confuse the cops with state police anymore.

New uniforms are giving the department its own look. Gray is out. Navy blue is in.

"We're pretty excited. It's a new look altogether and something we've been working on for a year," said Police Chief Dean Osborne.

The department, which is made up of seven full-timers and three part-timers, pooled its uniform allowance for this year and took unused money in its budget to purchase the new winter look. The total for the new duds was about $3,700.

"The borough was gracious enough to pitch in money that had been allocated for equipment that we didn't end up utilizing," Osborne said. "The mayor's efforts were also appreciated."

Each full-timer is allocated $350 a year for uniforms.

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