The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, October 25, 2003

Pooch pals with dancing swans at ballet in Pittsburgh

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

Some people look for the dog star, Sirius, in the night sky. But another dog star can be found in a Hermitage neighborhood -- and on the stage at the Benedum Center in Pittsburgh.

Pyrless Les Monts de Lourdes, or Monti as he's known to his family, can be seen in Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre's "Swan Lake" this afternoon, this evening and Sunday afternoon.

The Great Pyrenees belongs to the family of Drs. Robert and Kathy Piston. Dr. Kathy Piston described Monti as "a big fuzzy polar bear with a fluffy white tail like a fox. He has long hair and is essentially pure white and he smiles a lot."

Dr. Piston explained that Monti landed his stage role because her 11-year-old daughter Rebecca is a page in the play. The Pistons took the dog with them for one of Rebecca's rehearsals and people's response to Monti was very dramatic, she said.

"Everyone wants to go hug him and pet him. We were driving down to Pittsburgh and people would stop in city traffic, roll down their windows, gesture to me to roll down my window and ask me what kind of dog it is," she said. "Most of the people on the street would either stop and ask about him, or yell across the street, (things like) 'Hey, gorgeous dog' or 'I've never seen a dog like that.' "

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