The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, November 7, 2003

Taxes unchanged but sewer rates going up

By Lauri Galentine
Herald Writer

The number may look a bit higher, but in reality property taxes will stay the same in Sandy Lake next year. Sewer rates will take a slight jump, however.

Council used a new method when working on next year's budget. So, while real estate taxes in the 2004 tentative spending plan are set at 12.5 mills, that doesn't indicate higher taxes, said council President Robert Kaltenbaugh.

Council previously designated specific levies to different funds. That meant the tax revenue had to go to those specific accounts and be used for those designated purposes. If money needed to be shuffled among funds to make ends meet, that meant paperwork and council approval.

Combining those accounts into the general fund will make it easier to deal with unforeseen expenses in any fund, keep the budget balanced and set one total tax rate, council said.

The 12.5 mills for 2004 is the same as the combined millage for 2003, Kaltenbaugh said Wednesday.

Estimated general fund revenues for 2004 are:

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