The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Former reservists relive events
that made them 'truly a family'

By Cary Snyder
Herald Staff Writer

Many have put on a few extra pounds.

Others have hair that grows whiter by the day as it retreats farther back on their heads, more signs of the aging process.

But whenever members of the 858th Quartermaster Company get together for breakfast, as they did Tuesday morning, the extra weight and years seemingly fade away to reveal a group of lean, athletic young men each ready to commit at least 20 years to serving their country in the Army reserves.

"In all my years, I can never remember having a fight with anyone," said Pedro Calleja, who served 35 years with the company. "It was an amazing unit. It was truly a family."

The Farrell unit was disbanded in the late '80s, and it's fitting none of the 10 men who gathered at The Cookery in Hermitage could remember the exact year.

What would be the point?

The ties that bind them live on in the memories and conversation that get passed across the table along with coffee pots and maple syrup holders.

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