The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, November 13, 2003

25 percent tax increase on council's table

By Jeff Greenburg
Herald Staff Writer

Only a year after being hit with a 26 percent property tax hike, Sharpsville residents could be facing another significant increase.

Sharpsville Council wasn't quite ready to introduce a tentative budget for 2004 Wednesday night. But if it had, President Jack Cardwell said residents would be confronting a 3 percent water rate hike and a 4.5-mill tax increase in order for council to pass a balanced budget.

"This is what's been proposed, but I want to point out that is by no means set in stone," Cardwell emphasized. "That's just the way the budget's been presented."

Councilman Alex Kovach explained the increases would be necessary "for making a balanced budget without dipping into our capital improvement fund."

Council unanimously tabled four motions until next month, including advertising ordinances for the water rate and real estate tax hikes, as well motions for presenting, displaying and advertising the tentative budget.

A 3 percent water rate hike would cause a resident's monthly payment to increase less than a dollar. Residents currently pay about $23 a month minimum based on a usage of 5,000 gallons.

If approved, the proposed tax increase of 4.5 mills would take the total millage from 17.7 mills to 22.2, or an increase of about 25 percent.

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