The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, November 16, 2003

Quit smoking contests: either way you'll win

The Great American Smokeout is Thursday and the Lung Center of Sharon Regional Health System is offering incentives to get smokers to quit and for people to keep their homes smoke-free.

The Lung Center is sponsoring three contests this week. The first is for anyone who goes to the Lung Center by Thursday and takes a smoke-free pledge to keep their home smoke-free and their family away from second-hand smoke. Participants will be entered in a drawing for a $100 gift certificate to the Shenango Valley Mall in Hermitage, which is smoke-free.

The second contest is for any smoker who registers at the Lung Center by Wednesday for counseling with a specific "quit smoking date" of Thursday. The winner of a drawing receives 12 weeks worth of free, over-the-counter nicotine replacement products such as patches, gum or lozenges.

The third contest is for any smoker who is pregnant, goes to the Lung Center and starts a smoking cessation program. Participants must be smoke-free for six months. The prize is a $200 gift certificate to Babies R Us to be drawn March 31, which is Kick Butts Day.

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