The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, November 22, 2003

JFK campaign stop notes

Following are some notes gathered then by Herald reporters during John F. Kennedy's stop in the Shenango Valley on Oct. 15, 1960:

   » People were hanging from the rafters and scaffolding at the unfinished Merchants and Manufacturing National Bank Building. Others dangled from the short porches over shop doorways along the square or climbed onto rooftops to gain a better vantage point.

   » "Kennedy Girls" and other children began flocking into the square shortly before 8 a.m., and by 8:45 long lines of pedestrians were heading in the same direction. Parents in the 30- to 40-year-old range with their children were a large portion of the crowd.

   » It was reported the way to identify security men among the scores of people following Kennedy was to check their coat lapels. All were wearing small ivory buttons about half the size of a dime.

   » A crowd of people waiting atop the West Hill to see Kennedy were disappointed because the motorcade traveled to Sharon from the airport via new Route 82 rather than old 82.

   » The Sharon police force was augmented by about 40 state police troopers and a similar number of Civil Defense police to handle the traffic and crowds.

   » Four cold and lonely-looking teenage girls were waiting for Kennedy's appearance at the bottom of Prindle Hill as he passed about 2:30 a.m.

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