The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, November 28, 2003

Students will be diving
into class

By Patrecka F. Adams
Herald Staff Writer

In just a few days, some gifted fifth- and sixth-graders will journey deep into the heart of the Pacific Ocean without ever leaving their classrooms.

The students will join more than 44,000 others from 550 schools around the world who will take part in "Extreme 2003: To the Depths of Discovery," which is a research expedition that will be broadcast internationally via the Internet. The program will run through Dec. 21.

This marks the first time students in the Shenango Valley will be able to participate in a live expedition online.

It is being conducted by marine scientists at the University of Delaware. The team, led by Dr. Craig Cary, marine biologist, will travel in a submersible called "Alvin," that will plunge to scorching hydrothermal vents that are more than a mile deep on the ocean floor.

While there, the researchers will study the vents and the creatures that exist in them. Students will be able to logon to the site and watch researchers as they gather and study water samples and conduct experiments on organisms living in the water.

Jennifer Vuich-Kosanovic, Farrell Elementary School's gifted program teacher, said students are ready to dive into the experience.

"We've been doing some lead-in work and watching videos and that has generated a lot of excitement," she said. "They can't wait to actually see what'll be going on."

Marlene Weisberg, of Sharon's gifted support program, said the program "fits in very well with our archaeology and marine biology programs."

She said Dr. Tara Harmer, a marine biologist and former student in the Hermitage School District, suggested the program after visiting Delahunty Middle School in Hermitage earlier this year. The scientist will be going down in the "Alvin" to study worms that live in the heated vents, Ms. Weisberg said.

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