The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Tie vote on new water lines puts project on hold for now

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

After two years of discussion and planning to extend municipal water to more Shenango Township residents, supervisors still can't agree on how to do it.

Supervisors voted down a motion Monday to advertise an ordinance that would require owners of adjoining properties to hook in to lines proposed by Consumers Pennsylvania Water Co., Shenango Valley Division.

Chairman Larry Robinson and Supervisor Charles Gilliland voted to advertise the ordinance while supervisors Bill Williams and Richard Flack voted no. Supervisor Keenie Harrison was absent. Because of the tie vote, the motion failed.

Supervisors asked Consumers for a proposal to extend water lines to parts of the township not yet served by the utility. Consumers submitted plans for an 8-inch line to 322 properties on the west side of the township and a 12-inch line to 56 others on the east side.

Representatives of Consumers have said they would install the new lines only if supervisors made connections mandatory by nearby property owners.

Flack said he voted against the motion because he doesn't like the "mandatory" part. "I'm not against progress or water," he said.

One concern Flack cited was a tap-in fee of $250 in addition to the estimated installation cost of about $1,500 to connect houses to the water line.

Robinson noted that the fee and installation costs could be paid over a period of months.

Williams, declining to explain why he voted against the motion, said he's not against progress and that he will voice his opinions in the future from the audience. His term as a supervisor is up at the end of the month.

"Basically right now it's a dead issue because they voted it down," Robinson said of the water extension.

Flack disagreed and said it's not a dead issue. Robinson said someone could reintroduce the motion next month.

There has also been discussion of extending sewer lines along with the water. The extensions would affect about 300 residents.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at


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