The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Residents have nothing to fear, property owner's attorney says

By Cary Snyder
Herald Staff Writer

Hubbard Township residents fear the worst -- that approximately 255 acres between Drummond Avenue and Mount Everett Road will become a trash landfill.

A lawyer for Trans Rail America Inc., the company that owns the land, assures them they have nothing to worry about.

Residents flocked to a township trustees meeting in droves Monday night to voice their displeasure and concern about the property being turned into a landfill.

"We're fighting big companies with lots of money," said Bob Gray, who lives on Mount Everett Road a few miles from the property. "They don't care about our children and water. They just want the right to dump their garbage."

Michael Cyphert, an attorney with Walter and Haverfield, Cleveland, which represents Trans Rail America Inc., said residents misunderstand the company's plans for the land.

"This is not anyway, anyhow going to be a solid waste or sanitary landfill or chemical waste depository," Cyphert said.

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