The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, December 13, 2003

at 66 pct.
of goal

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

United Way of Mercer County officials are hopeful the 2003 campaign will reach its $1 million goal and are encouraged by how many local businesses have increased their contributions this year.

"We are currently at 66 percent of our campaign goal," campaign chairman Rex Knisley said Friday.

There are still several employee campaigns that are not wrapped up yet, Executive Director James Micsky said.

The inaugural Women's Leadership Initiative raised $13,655 of new money for the campaign, Knisley said. He said he was pleased with how well the campaign did and that the Women's Leadership Initiative is now its own group under the United Way of Mercer County.

Micsky said the United Way also heard from women in the county not involved with the inaugural breakfast for the Women's Leadership Initiative who want to get involved.

Micsky said he realizes the economy is difficult right now and people are faced with things like increasing insurance costs and taxes.

"When you talk about investing in your community, you're not going to find a better investment than the United Way," Micsky said. He said 89 cents of every $1 goes back to the community. The campaign is scheduled to end at the end of December and by April local agencies will begin receiving their United Way money, he said.

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