The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, December 14, 2003

Police residency rule is causing
problems for some

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

"It's demoralizing at times."

That's how Sharon Police Sgt. Det. Steve Ray feels about the residency requirement that binds police in certain communities to live in the municipality they serve.

"First and foremost it's a safety issue," Ray said. "I've had people I've arrested look at me and tell me where I live, tell me my address."

Ray said he expects to put up with things on the job but he shouldn't have to put up with it at home and the family of policemen shouldn't have to put up with it either. He said it's nearly impossible to relax on his front porch because so many people, including people he's arrested, walk by and see where he lives.

Ray said he has had people throw things at his house, and other policemen in the department have also experienced problems at their home.

Sharronda Faber agrees with Ray. As the wife of Patrolman Brian Faber she said living in the city is sometimes uncomfortable and she worries about their children.

"I worry someone might try to retaliate against him (my husband) and our children might get in the way," Mrs. Faber said.

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