The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Limits requested
on sex businesses

By Amanda Smith-Teutsch

Herald Staff Writer

The organization that helped get an ordinance passed banning bottle clubs in West Salem Township has set its sights at limiting sexually oriented businesses in Greenville.

Diane Gramley, president of Franklin-based American Family Association of Pennsylvania, wrote to Greenville council asking it to consider setting up a system of licensing for such businesses.

The faith-based association helped a coalition of West Salem Township churches place a question on the May ballot to ban bottle clubs, which don't sell alcohol but allow patrons to bring their own liquor or beer. The only bottle club in West Salem is Headliners Gentlemen's Club, which features strippers.

While the ban passed, enforcement has been another matter. Headliners is still operating and legal opinions are mixed on whether it is "grandfathered in" or subject to the ban.

Greenville already has zoning restrictions on such businesses. They are permitted in industrial areas; the only industrial zone in Greenville is the former Trinity Industries property along South Mercer Street.

Ms. Gramley applauded the zoning restrictions, but also made a suggestion.

"May I encourage you also to consider a licensing ordinance. This ordinance can, among other things, regulate the hours of operation and require police background checks on all employees of the sexually oriented businesses," she wrote. "Such a step would be an additional deterrent for such businesses."

The combination of zoning and licensing, she wrote, "is the most effective way to protect your citizens from the tragedy of sexually oriented businesses."

Council decided to ask the organization for more information, including copies of sample ordinances. The matter may come up during January's meeting, if the information is received in time, said Borough Manager Vance Oakes.

"Council wanted to see the ordinance so they could have more intelligent discussion," he said.

Council next meets Jan. 5 for a workshop and reorganization.


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