The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Friday, Feb. 12, 1999


Members: We'll rebuild church

By Hal Johnson
Herald Staff Writer

The congregation of Bethel Life Church in Hempfield Township will rebuild their fire-ravaged church, but they have yet to decide how or where.

State police fire marshall Bert Failor said he and the federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms have determined the fire that ripped through the 73-year-old Sheakley Avenue church at about 6 a.m. Thursday was accidental.

The fire investigators confirmed what the church pastor, Rev. David V. Carr suspected. The blaze was sparked by coffee pots that were left on in the kitchen area of the church basement after a Bible study Wednesday night.

The coffee pots are supposed to have automatic shutoffs to prevent them from overheating, Failor said. He said he left the pots for insurance investigators to examine for possible malfunctions.

ATF investigators in Pittsburgh joined state police in the investigation as the result of a 1996 executive order declaring church arsons a federal crime, the state police fire marshall said.

Meanwhile, the church is making arrangements to continue its activities and rebuild.

"We have to rebuild, but our board hasn't met yet to decide exactly how to do it," said Judy Doddo, a congregation member whose home next to the church has become a temporary headquarters.

Christian Assembly Church, 111 Main St., Greenville, agreed to host a concert previously scheduled at Bethel Life, which has been turned into a benefit for Bethel Life's rebuilding fund, Mrs. Doddo said. The concert will be held at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. A rebuilding fund has been set up at Greenville Savings Bank.

Good Shepherd Center in downtown Greenville has offered space for worship services at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Mrs. Doddo said.

A wedding, previously scheduled for Saturday at Bethel Life, will be held Saturday in the Mercer County Shriners Club in Hermitage. Mr. Carr will officiate.

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Updated Feb. 12, 1999
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