The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1999


Students react to testing plan
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Test entire student body, some say
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By Jennifer Hall
Herald Staff Writer

Many Sharon High School athletes said they wouldn't object to random drug and alcohol testing for athletes as proposed by the school board, although they would like to see it as a schoolwide initiative.

"I think it's fine," said senior Ralph Odem, 18. "Honestly I don't mess with it. I know a lot of people do mess with it and they're going to hate it a lot."

Athletes should get used to the testing now instead of wasting scholarship or family money by testing positive in college, said Odem, who plays football and basketball.

But Megan Gabriel, senior, said the issue is too controversial for the board to act upon right now.

"There's too many good points and bad points," the 18-year-old basketball player said. "They should wait until there's all good points."

Megan said the money spent on drug testing could be used elsewhere and the random testing could be unfair.

Students such as sophomore volleyball player Ashley Elford said everyone in the district should be tested, not just athletes.

"It's not fair to single out athletes," the 15-year-old said. "Actually we are the ones involved and others are just sitting around. We don't have the time to do drugs like they do."

Senior Robert Martell agreed that testing should be random throughout the school.

"Anybody using in the school is interfering with the educational process," the 19-year-old football player said. "It's unfair if everyone is not tested."

District solicitor Mark Longietti said last week that the policy would affect only players and cheerleaders because a 1995 U.S. Supreme Court decision only included those students, not those included in other extra-curricular activities. Sharon does not want to become the test case by includ

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Updated Feb. 16, 1999
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