The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Tuesday, March 30, 1999


Retired teacher gives kids the shirts on their backs

By Sherris Byers
Herald Writer

If you ask 82-year-old Martha Chupak what keeps her so busy, attending a basketball game might not be the answer you expect. But anyone who knows Mrs. Chupak well, realizes that's just par for her course.

The retired West Middlesex kindergarten teacher, mother of 5, grandmother of 11 and great-grandmother of 13 stays involved with her former students by attending as many school events as possible.

A retired kindergarten teacher from West Middlesex Elementary, since 1993, and mother of 5 children, 11 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren, she stays very involved with her former students by attending as many school events as possible.

"I've taught most of the kids, their parents, and in some cases their grand-parents, because I taught at West Middlesex for 30 years," said Mrs. Chupak, who retired in 1993. She also taught for 5 years at Hickory prior to her years at Luther Low Elementary.

"I love the kids. I consider them all my kids," said Mrs. Chupak, citing the main reason she goes to so many events, as well as providing all of the T-shirts for the Elementary Basketball League in West Middlesex which consists of fourth, fifth and sixth graders.

"Their are approximately 55 girls and 65 boys in the league, and she provides them all with E.B.L. T-shirts out of her own funds," said Bob Gelesky, head girls' basketball coach and special education elementary teacher "Most of the sixth graders remember her from kindergarten. She was my kindergarten teacher as well," he added.

Rev. Donald Wilson, pastor of Mrs. Chupak's church, Lebanon U.P., and school board president, also had nothing but praise for her.

"She is a remarkable, caring person," said Wilson. "She is still very active in church as well as the community," he added.

She was honored at the Elementary Basketball League's annual tournament on March 19 by the league with a bouquet which was publicly presented to her.

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Updated April 29, 1999
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