The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Thursday, May 6, 1999


'Hit list' found; middle school cleared

By Kim Curry
Herald Staff Writer

Grove City Police Chief Richard Jazwinski said this morning he hopes to name in a couple days the author of a bomb threat/hit list of 20 Grove City Middle School students found Wednesday morning in a school bathroom.

"We do have some names,'' he said, adding the computer-generated list will be sent to the state police crime lab in to be dusted for fingerprints and for type comparisons. "We do plan to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.''

Jazwinski said school administrators approached him at 9:09 a.m. and showed him the letter titled "Hit List,'' which said a bomb would explode in the school at 11:30 a.m.

Several girls found the list -- which was written in riddle form and said the bomb was in the classroom of a well-liked male teacher -- and took it to the school office, Superintendent Dr. Robert Post said.

"We went to the middle school and an evacuation plan was established,'' Jazwinski said. "The school officials handled it very well. It was very orderly.''

The cafeteria was checked and cleared and the 390 seventh- and eighth-grade students were removed by classroom to eat there for an early lunch before they were evacuated by 10:35 a.m. to the nearby athletic field, he said.

School officials followed the district's bomb-threat evacuation plan, Post said.

Police and staff searched the entire building by 11 a.m. and locked it down at 11:15, Jazwinski said.

Jazwinski said the students on the list could be described as athletic types but Post said there was no grouping, adding that their parents were called and invited to meet with the guidance counselor.

The students sat on the field bleachers while teachers took roll, Post said, adding that everyone was accounted for.

Then school officials began field day activities, supplied water and sunscreen and allowed students who were hot to lie in the shade, Post said.

Calls to the middle school were forwarded to the superintendent's secretaries, who read a prepared statement to parents and invited them to the athletic field.

About four parents joined their children, while a few came to take them home, Post said.

At 1:30 p.m. police declared the building safe after a second check that included lifting ceiling tiles. Students were then told they could stay outside or return to the building.

"I'm sure it was done as a practical joke, but it's not very funny,'' Jazwinski said. "It's creating chaos. The entire day yesterday was disrupted for the school system."

Post accompanied some students inside, where band members performed an originally scheduled concert.

On Friday a 15-year-old Grove City High School student was charged with making terroristic threats and disorderly conduct after he allegedly threatened to do bodily harm to other students, police said.

Post said some students were frightened on Wednesday but the majority were angry. "And that says a lot about our middle school students,'' he said.

Besides disrupting the school day, Post said, the bomb threat "downplays the significance of what happened in Colorado. It doesn't show empathy for those people or for the students in our school system.''

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