The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Wednesday, May 12, 1999


Legion tests flag etiquette Saturday

By Robert B. Swift
Ottaway News Service

Flag-waving is more popular than ever but so are breaches of flag etiquette.

This was evident recently during the 12-day period when flags were flown at half-staff in Pennsylvania in memory of the students and teacher killed in the Littleton, Colo. school massacre.

Instead of a uniform sea of lowered flags, some discordant notes were struck. In some places, American flags at half-staff flew alongside American flags at full-staff. Elsewhere, state, local government and commemorative flags flew at a level higher than the American flag, a clear violation of the rule that the American flag should always fly foremost.

The confusion over flag etiquette reflects the fact that many more private businesses and homeowners fly flags on their property than a generation ago. And another social trend is at work. Presidents and governors order flags at half-staff for more occasions than was the norm a generation ago.

Aware that ignorance among flag owners is widespread, the American Legion of Pennsylvania is embarking on an education campaign to teach the finer points of flag etiquette.

"We're trying to get the word out," said Legion Adjutant Stanley Reinhard who personally stopped at several places where he spotted problems. "When the national colors are at half-staff, all other colors must come down."

Flag owners have a chance to make amends soon. American flags are to be flown at half-staff Saturday in honor of police who fell in the line of duty. The day is officially known as National Peace Officer's Memorial Day thanks to a law signed several years ago by President Clinton.

And on Memorial Day which falls on May 31, the American flag is to be flown at half-staff until noon and then raised to the top of the pole.

Under federal code, the president can order the American flag to half-staff upon the death of a principal government figure or governor. Governors can order the American flag to half-staff in the event of the death of a president or former state official.

Gov. Tom Ridge ordered Pennsylvania flags to half-staff the day after the Littleton shooting for a period lasting to May 3. There was no corresponding order from the White House to apply to American flags.

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Updated May 12, 1999
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