The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Saturday, May 29, 1999


Teen more than just talk
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18-year-old is candidate for school board
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By Sherris Byers
Herald Writer

Eighteen-year old Marshall Campbell believes in the importance of getting involved. And he doesn't just say it; he lives it.

Campbell was vice president of his senior class at West Middlesex High School, an honor student and played trumpet and drums for the marching, concert, pep and jazz bands.

He also is a volunteer firefighter for Shenango Township; an active member of Lebanon Presbyterian Church; the groundskeeper for the West Middlesex Masonic Lodge, Shenango Steel Buildings and Campbell Farms; and he works part time at Sears in Hermitage.

And on May 18, he became the youngest person ever to win a primary nomination for the West Middlesex Area School Board.

Campbell sees his youth as an asset for the school board. "I feel that I am in touch with the needs of the student body as well as the community," he said.

Part of his decision to run for office had to do with his feeling that "young people weren't represented enough."

And for that reason, he also encouraged about 50of his classmates to register to vote before the primary.

"Marshall offered to bring in voter registration forms from the courthouse to help the seniors who were 18 become registered," said Campbell's Government and Economics teacher, Ron Rowe.

After Campbell brought in the forms, Rowe helped the students fill them out. With that done, Campbell returned them to the courthouse.

"The kids were excited when they got their voter cards in the mail," said Rowe.

Rowe seized Campbell's campaign for school director as a way to explain the voting process and the commitment it takes to run for office.

"We talked about where they would go to vote, and what would happen when they got there," Rowe said.

"Marshall's idea helped the other students get a better idea of how their local government runs," he added.

Campbell plans to attend Westminster College to major in business administration.

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Updated May 29, 1999
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