The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Saturday, August 14, 1999


Area cats are being poisoned, abused

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Humane Society investigating

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Intern

Several cats have been found dead from poisoning, and others injured, around the 600 block of Stambaugh Avenue and the McClure Avenue area.

Elke Quinby of the Mercer County Humane Society said they know of five cats that have been killed by anti-freeze poisoning.

Ms. Quinby also said there have been two cats with broken legs. She said a veterinarian examined the cats and said it appeared they were hit with a blunt object.

Anne McCullough lives on Stambaugh Avenue and has had cats poisoned and had one suffer a broken leg.

She said cats have been slowly eliminated in her neighborhood over the last year and a half or so.

She said her veterinarian, Dr. Daniel L. Baker of Clark, performed the autopsy on the cat. She said Dr. Baker told her the anti-freeze was mixed with food so it was given to the cats in small amounts.

“You don’t notice it right away,” she said as she explained how her cats slowly became ill.

“Something has to be done,” Ms. McCullough said. “This is getting terrible. How many cats are laying in the bushes dying that no one has found?”

She said she is also concerned that children may get into the food if it is left outside.

Ms. Quinby said it’s possible there are more cats who have been injured or poisoned.

Anti-freeze poisoning is a painful death for animals, Ms. Quinby said. She said the animals could suffer for days, and their insides slowly harden. “It’s very traumatic,” she said.

Ms. Quinby said the person responsible for the animal deaths and injuries “most certainly lives in the area.” She said she has an idea of who it is but has no proof.

Ms. Quinby said anyone with information that would lead to the prosecution of the person or persons responsible should call the Mercer County Humane Society at 981-5445.

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Updated August 13, 1999
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