The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Thursday, Aug. 19, 1999


Miss America shares her crown; Ohio girl dubbed queen for a day

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Writer

When 10-year-old Jessica Moser was asked to attend Miss America Nicole Johnson's news conference Wednesday, she did not plan to leave the room as royalty.

But after bringing Jessica to the front of the room, Miss Johnson placed her crown on the girl's head and dubbed her "Miss America for today!"

Her friends and family think Jessica is pretty special, too.

The Newton Falls, Ohio, girl was diagnosed with diabetes at age 4, and has lived with it for six years, just like Miss America.

"When we discovered she had diabetes, it was hard for us as parents to get used to giving her all the treatments needed, especially the shots," said Pam Moser, Jessica's mom. "But she left the hospital doing her own shots," she added.

The Newton Falls Middle School student enjoys soccer, cheerleading, and dance.She takes four different classes from Mimi Sutton's Studio of Dance, also Newton Falls, which are tap, jazz, ballet, and tumbling, a pre-gymnastics type of class, and has competed in six dance competitions this year

"I just don't let it keep me down," said Jessica, sounding as positive as the reigning Miss America.

Jessica's fourth-grade teacher, Judy Capirano, considers the girl a role model to her classmates because of her persistence despite her disease. "She never gives up on anything she tries," said Ms. Capirano.

Jessica hopes to be a teacher one day, like her mother or Ms. Capirano. "I don't worry about my diabetes; I just accept the fact that I have it," said Jessica.

By putting the crown on Jessica's head, Miss Johnson made the point that any girl could be Miss America, and that anyone could have diabetes.

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Updated Aug. 19, 1999
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