The Herald, Sharon,
PA Published Monday, Sept. 27, 1999


Recorder's husband charged with theft of election signs

By Karen Coates
Herald Staff Writer

The husband of Mercer County Recorder Marilyn Livingston Felesky was issued a summons this weekend for allegedly stealing campaign signs on the eve of the primary election in May.

Robert Felesky, 62, of 21 Denamen Ave., West Middlesex, was sent a summons Friday from the Mercer office of District Justice Ruth French, charging him with theft by unlawful taking or disposition and criminal mischief, state police said. His preliminary hearing was set for 10 a.m. Oct. 13.

According to a report filed by state police, the charge is a result of an investigation by them, the Mercer County District Attorney's Office and the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office.

The criminal complaint lists Republican candidates Rhonda Sue McClelland of Grove City and Judy Keeley Canon of Hermitage as the victims.

While Felesky was unable to be reached for comment this morning, his wife, a Democratic incumbent, said she and her husband did not know anything about the summons and were waiting to hear from their attorney. She said she was not surprised.

"We did expect a charge would be coming," Mrs. Felesky said. "Three to four weeks before the (general) election, this is truly political."

Mrs. Felesky said she maintains her husband was involved in no wrongdoing when he collected campaign signs. "I still stand behind my husband. He did nothing wrong. If we have to go to trial to prove it, we will."

According to earlier reports by police, Felesky was spotted at 11:20 p.m. May 17 -- the night before the primary election -- along state Route 318 in Lackawannock Township. A state police trooper stopped to investigate and noticed campaign signs in the back of Felesky's car.

At that time, Mrs. Felesky defended her husband, adding that he had also collected the signs for Democratic commissioner candidates Michael Nashtock and Kenneth Ammann. Mrs. Felesky said her husband was collecting signs that had been thrown down by road crews cutting grass. She said it was a favor to other candidates. He was out late because he didn't have time earlier in the day, she said.

All but a couple of Ammann's signs were returned election day to the candidates or their campaigns, she said.

Neither Mrs. McClelland nor Mrs. Canon could not be reached for comment this morning.

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