The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, July 28, 2000


Stop choppin,’ city tells resident

By Beth Baumgardner
Herald Staff Writer

The Sharon Zoning Hearing Board unanimously decided Thursday night that a homeowner is not allowed to store or split wood on his property.

Wayne Delgros, of 924 Sherman Ave., asked the board for permission to split and keep wood piles on his property despite living in a residential, medium density zoning area. Home-operated carpentry businesses are not allowed in such zoning areas.

Delgros’ zoning problems began in May when neighbors complained to city Zoning and Code Officer Frank Smeraglia about wood piles, wood shavings and debris on Delgros’ property.

Delgros said the chips were used as mulch and to make up his driveway. He said he planned to sell the stacked piles of wood in his backyard as firewood in the winter.

"I’m a neat person," he said. "I split it up and stack it right away."

But Smeraglia said the wood attracted bugs and rodents.

Delgros was issued a sanitation and health nuisance citation for which he appeared before District Justice James. E. McMahon, Sharon, July 14.

Delgros had until Tuesday to clean up his property and remove the wood. Police chief Raymond C. Greene said Delgros had the property up to code by the set date.

Delgros said he removed 30 dump truck loads worth of wood valued at $1,000.

But at Thursday night’s meeting, he asked the board to allow him store wood piles again.

Neighbor Lucille Parker, 760 Division Road, testified against Delgros.

"If they (the wood piles) fall over they would hurt somebody," she said. "If they fell over on my property, I’d be liable."

The testimony quickly turned into bickering between the neighbors, each claiming the other was purposefully bothersome.

Delgros said he purchased land adjacent to both his and Ms. Parker’s property and she is "jealous" that he got the lot.

But Ms. Parker said it is Delgros that is picking on her.

"I just can’t take it anymore. He just does stuff to aggravate me," she said.

Delgros said he needs the use of his property to save money and eventually move.

"I do plan on moving out of this neighborhood as soon as I have the money and be away from neighbors," Delgros said to the board.

The board members took only moments to deny Delgros’ appeal on the grounds that home carpentry business are prohibited in the zoning district and the wood piles posed to many aesthetic and health problems.

The board did agree that Delgros is allowed to park two vehicles used for his tree service business on his property.

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