The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, August 1, 2000


‘Chuting event set to honor inventor

The 9th annual celebration which honors the late Stefan Banic, Greenville, who received a patent for his parachute in 1914, will be held Aug. 18-20 at Greenville Municipal Airport, Greene Township.

According to state Sen. Bob Robbins, Salem Township, R-50th District, Banic was a Slovakian coal miner who donated his invention to the U.S. government in exchange for an honorary membership in the Army Air Corps.

The event will coincide with the first Banic Pennsylvania Sport Accuracy State Championship of Sport Parachute Flight.

Skydivers from across the nation will compete by performing precision landings with high-speed parachutes.

There will also be group formations and solo jumping, displays of aircraft used to transport jumpers and military aircraft.

Also, Banic memorabilia will be displayed daily at the 604 Railroad Museum, Greenville.

Attendees include Dr. Miroslav Musil and Col. Stefan Kristof, Slovak attaches; Maj. Gen. William B. Lynch, Adjutant General of the Pennsylvania National Guard; and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Senko, Slovak Honorary Consul for Pennsylvania.

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