The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, September 14, 2000


Parents want out of Farrell schools
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Letter seeks support of council
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By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

Wheatland voters approved a merger with Farrell schools years ago but a court decision denying the borough guaranteed representation on the school board left an emotional rift that has not healed for many.

A group of younger residents is saying it’s time to make the rift permanent.

Tracy and Kemp Fazekas presented a letter to Wheatland council Wednesday outlining a list of grievances against Farrell Area School District, arguing that Wheatland should leave the district.

They were joined by eight other residents, whom Mrs. Fazekas said she had never met before. Residents showed up in support based only on word of mouth, she said.

A big issue with many of the residents was the safety of their children. Mrs. Fazekas spoke of verbal threats between students in class, while others told of violence and sexual harassment among students.

Teachers are afraid to discipline students and students flaunt that fear, the parents said.

Mrs. Fazekas, a former Head Start volunteer, criticized the way many teachers handled last year’s lockdown of the school and said the district was slow to release information about the incident.

The poor atmosphere is exacerbated by a lack of parental involvement, she said. Fazekas spoke to their daughter’s class at a career day program and was the only parent who showed up, his wife said.

In a district of more than 1,100 students, 57 were from Wheatland as of May 20, said borough secretary Sharon Stinedurf, adding that seven graduated and she didn’t know how many new students started this year.

Twenty to 25 Wheatland students attend private schools, she said.

Mrs. Fazekas, citing figures she said she got from Mayor Tom Stanton, said Farrell taxpayers spend $1,000 a student for them to attend Farrell schools, while Wheatland taxpayers have to put up $8,000.

Stanton said he was using rounded figures and had not specifically tried to find out the difference.

Fazekas said the state is propping up the district through grants and he didn’t think that would last forever. "You can’t keep supporting something that’s dying," he said.

Mrs. Fazekas said Wheatland taxpayers are not getting their money’s worth. She called for busing for all Wheatland residents -- the district buses only students in early grades -- and the district taking over the salary of the crossing guard, which the borough pays.

The Fazekases said they want their daughter to go to West Middlesex schools, even if it means paying higher property taxes. Farrell’s property levy is 114 mills, while West Middlesex’s is 132.2 mills.

"We want her out of Farrell," she said.

"My daughter just started kindergarten and I’m already irritated about it," said Darren Roberts.

Another parent said he didn’t want to be named because he feared he would be called a racist for his views. He said his issues are not race, but how other students treat his daughter and teachers not taking responsibility for their students.

The ratio of blacks to whites in Farrell schools is roughly 60-40.

Mrs. Fazekas said she was encouraged by the parent turnout at the council meeting and hopes it will be even better at a 7 p.m. Sept. 26 town hall meeting at the borough building. She said petitions will be circulated looking for support for pulling out of Farrell schools.

Residents had asked council for its support, but council balked.

Councilmen Donald Stinedurf and David Cusick said council members could support the effort as residents, not elected officials.

Stanton said he would be against leaving the district, although he voted against joining it years ago. He said he feels the residents have a good enough core group to carry through the process.

"You have your leadership," he said. "You don’t need us."

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