The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, September 15, 2000


Local restaurants dish out their best

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Mercer County residents turned out Thursday night to sample the best dishes from restaurants around the area.

Restaurant Revue, sponsored by the Mercer County United Way, raised over $11,000 for the campaign, event coordinator Susan Piccirilli said. She added they estimate about 450 people attended the dining event.

Jim Micsky, executive director of the United Way, said they won’t have a final count until sometime next week. The annual event is the official kick off of the agency’s yearly fund-raiser.

This year was the best in terms of food vendor participation, Mrs. Piccirilli said. She said 22 vendors brought their best food and drink.

The food ranged from soups and salads to sandwiches, roast beef, a variety of pasta and many desserts. Diners were also given an array of beverages to choose from including cappuccinos and lattes, fruit smoothies and beer.

Debbie Woge, Hermitage, said this is the first year she has attended the Restaurant Revue. She said her husband Rick is a member of United Local Steelworkers 1660 at Wheatland Tube -- a company that is a large supporter of the United Way.

"I love it," Mrs. Woge said. She added that she works for Interstate Chemical Co. in Hermitage, which has a campaign each year to raise money for the agency.

It wasn’t just the adults enjoying the food and socializing. Two-year-old Michael Banella, New Wilmington, ran circles around his grandfather, Nick Mehelic, after consuming eight cookies. Mehelic is also a member of United Steelworkers Local 1660.

Chef Gary Babcock of the Shenango Valley Civic Center served up stuffed banana peppers, sausage and homemade apple crisp. He said the large crowd wasn’t a problem because he’s used to serving a lot of people. "There’s nothing I can’t handle," Babcock said.

Cathy Sarvas, co-owner of the Civic Center, said they try to vary the menu each year, but the stuffed peppers are a staple food because everyone loves them.

Micsky said the evening went great. He said the restaurants and food vendors did an outstanding job in making the event a success.

Piccirlli said Connie Bobby, James Elder, Steve Hervatine, Roseann Hooper, Kathleen Meli, Thea Nixon, Karen Reed and Janice Schwanbeck all worked on the communications committee and helped to make the event come to fruition. Pennsylvania Power Co. donated the door prize, a George Foreman grill.

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