The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, Nov. 16, 2000


County foster group wins state award

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

Foster parents of Mercer County were honored Oct. 17 when their association was named the Pennsylvania State Foster Parent Association of the year.

The state has 55 active associations in the 67 counties.

Nominated by Sandra E. Campbell, foster care coordinator of the Mercer County Children and Youth Services, the group was cited for its suitcase campaign.

"They made sure that every child entered into foster care received a suitcase, or if they were too young, a diaper bag, so they didn’t have to put their belongings in a garbage bag," said Patricia Verdon, state association executive director. "That’s so demeaning." The local group was nominated along with 10 other county associations.

"It makes us so happy that they can be recognized," said Ms. Campbell. "We see on a daily basis what these parents do."

Forty-eight active members in the almost 25-year-old group foster more than 60 children and provide activities for them, including a Christmas party in December.

"We just need to find a place that can house all the foster parents and kids for the party," Ms. Campbell said.

Some of the kudos for the foster parents include annual fund-raisers to raise money for book bags, school supplies and diaper bags; and sending foster parents and their families to Waldameer Water Park in Erie this year.

"Being a foster parent is not an employment venture," Ms. Campbell said. "It’s something that someone wants to do to give back to the community. It takes a lot of work, a lot of commitment, in opening up your home."

"Supporting foster parent associations supports everyone involved," Mrs. Verdon added. "Everyone benefits."

For more information about being a foster parent, call Sandra Campbell at 662-2703.

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