The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, March 20, 2001


Board heeds parents, teacher on independent study policy

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

The final reading of an independent study policy for Sharon High School students was tabled at the last minute Monday at the urging of parents and a teacher.

The proposed policy was to open an independent study class to all students. The class would be worth one quarter of a credit and would be weighted as four points when calculating grade point average, said Sheila Snyder, acting academic principal. Under the old policy, independent study was weighted as five points.

Several parents said opening the independent study to all students -- including Encore, or gifted students -- creates an uneven "playing field." Jean Weston said the independent study should only be open to non-Encore students to help them stay academically competitive.

Jim Akins, Encore teacher, agrees. Akins said he gave his input into the administration and was under the impression the independent study would not be for Encore students. He used the example of boys and girls basketball teams. He said a girls team is created to give everyone a chance to play and it wouldn’t be fair to allow a boy to play on both teams.

Encore students aren’t rewarded for doing extra, out-of-class work under the guidelines of the new proposed policy, Akins said. Encore would also be weighted as a four but would be worth half a credit. He said the students will not want to take Encore if they don’t have an incentive.

Akins said he wants to see a policy where both independent study and Encore are worth five.

Students should have to chose either Encore or independent study, Akins said. "If you pass this (the revised policy) it makes an uneven playing field," he said. "I don’t understand what the administration has against doing it right."

Students with a grade point average over a four wouldn’t want to take independent study if it’s weighted as a four because it would actually lower their GPA, Akins said.

Superintendent Richard A. Rossi talked about the eight advanced placement classes Sharon currently offers which are weighted as a five. He said Sharon is the "only school in this state" that weights the gifted program. Rossi said he thinks the policy offers a level playing field.

Parent Ann Lepak said she thinks there is a "prejudice toward the gifted program." She said the new policy is like "changing rules in the middle of the game." Mrs. Lepak said it’s more than just about the kids getting a five.

Mrs. Weston asked what went into the decision and was being censored that the parents do not know about.

Rossi said nothing was being censored but he could not go into detail because it involves student confidentiality.

Director Dominick Russo moved to table the final reading. He said. "There’s conflict here. I’m convinced we’re not ready to pass on this."

Directors voted unanimously to table the motion for further study.

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