The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, March 22, 2001


Couple buys Carini’s, plans food with flair

By Hal Johnson
Herald Writer

When she was age 20, Tracy Ischo worked as a cook at Carini’s Restaurant in downtown Greenville.

As she learned about restaurants from then-owner John DiStefano, Mrs. Ischo worked as a waitress and went on to work at Carini’s in Jamestown and Roma Italian Restaurant in Coolspring Township, she said.

She said she also handled the business end of the restaurant business, but was never an owner. "I did everything, except to be able to say, it’s mine."

Now, the 31-year-old can add "restaurant owner" to her resume.

With her husband, John Ischo, the Brookfield couple bought Carini’s Restaurant, 212 Main St., Greenville, from Tony Schaallaci, Greenville.

Currently being remodeled, Carini’s Restaurant will open again under the same name in early April.

Mrs. Ischo said she is planning a menu similar to the old Carini’s, which was known for its pizzas and homemade bread. The dinner additions "will add a little flair" to the menu, she said, adding her brother, Tim Williams, is a chef.

The restaurant will employ 15 to 20 full-time and part-time workers.

Wine and beer can be served with meals, but the restaurant will no longer operate a bar or offer beer carry-outs.

The new owner said she has not decided if she will have pizza deliveries.

Mrs. Ischo said she and her husband were looking for a restaurant to buy. "We just looked at restaurants all over the area until we heard Carini’s was up for sale," she said.

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