The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, Aug. 23, 2001


Gun, 2-ounces of marijuana case heads to court

A Lackawannock Township man charged with drug and gun offenses stipulated that authorities have a prima facie case against him.

Raymond J. Mogar Jr., 32, of 169 Reiber Road, agreed to the stipulation Wednesday before District Justice Henry J. Russo, Hermitage.

Mogar agreed that if witnesses testified and evidence was presented, prosecutors would be able to show that a crime occurred and he was involved. The case will proceed to Mercer County Common Pleas Court.

Mogar was released on his own recognizance.

Mogar was charged by the state Attorney General's Office Bureau of Narcotics Investigation and Drug Control with manufacture of marijuana, possession of marijuana and possession with intent to deliver, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a prohibited weapon -- a sawed-off, 12-gauge shotgun.

Agents of the Attorney General's Office and Mercer County Drug Task Force said they searched an outbuilding at 169 Reiber, owned by Mogar's uncle, at noon Sept. 22 and found about an ounce of marijuana in bags and another ounce drying.

Agents said they also found a digital scale and pipes, bongs and bowls used for smoking marijuana.

The building also contained wire mesh surfaces for drying marijuana, and photographs of marijuana plants, including one in which Mogar is standing next to a plant, officials said.

Outside, agents found tilled soil with a wire mesh rodent fence around it, and the ground contained potting soil and fertilizer.

Mogar was not present during the search. In a telephone conversation later that day, Mogar admitted that all the items belonged to him except for the shotgun, officials said.

Later Wednesday, Mogar turned himself in at the Sharon police station on a Mercer County Drug Task Force warrant charging him with manufacturing a controlled substance and possession with intent to deliver, police said.

Police, who arrested Mogar at 3:53 p.m., said they did not have details of the incident that led to the warrant.

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