The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, Aug. 23, 2001


Loss from house fire set at $15,000

A Wednesday evening house fire that caused $15,000 worth of damage may have been caused by a smoldering cigarette, Brookfield firefighters said.

Firefighters were called at about 11:30 p.m. to a single-story home at 694 Brightview Ave., by a part-time nanny who noticed smoke in the house and evacuated four children and family pets, firefighters said.

Owners Lee and Gloria Bennight told firefighters a friend who was living with them had put out a cigarette at the foot of the bed before the three went to buy food, leaving the children with the nanny.

Firefighters said they put out the fire within minutes and it was contained to a bedroom, which sustained major smoke and fire damage. The house, valued at $40,000, had heavy smoke damage throughout, fire officials said.

The cause of the fire was undetermined but officials said it started at the northeast corner of the bedroom, the location of the foot of the bed.

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