The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, Aug. 23, 2001


Holiday cards help causes
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Christmas cards crafted by locals

By Erin Remai
Herald Staff Writer

Even though Dec. 25 is four months away, it's never too early to begin thinking about choosing Christmas cards.

This year, along with the Hallmarks, local folks will be able to buy cards that were designed by local people and support good causes.

The Arc of Mercer County Foundation is offering four Christmas cards designed by MCAR clients who attend the agency's sheltered workshop and Mercer resident Sandy Shuffstall's Christmas card design is listed in the American Diabetes Association holiday catalogue.

In April, Arc foundation director Ann Coleman, along with MCAR therapeutic activity aides Mona Novak and Jane Tarczy, got everyone into the Christmas spirit to design Christmas cards for a contest, even though Christmas was long over.

"We put up a Christmas tree in the cafeteria, we ate Christmas cookies and we sang Christmas songs," Mrs. Coleman said. "They kept saying, it's not Christmas."

Some clients took the Christmas setting a little too seriously.

"They wanted presents, they wanted Santa Claus," Ms. Novak said.

Out of 150 entries, four designs were selected. They included "One Tree," by Jean Beatty, 63, of Farrell; "The Glow," by Judy Thomas, 57, of Sharon; "Santa," by Joanne Nelson, 43, of Sharon and "Going Home for the Holidays," by Tammy Foltz, 33, of Grove City.

Ms. Nelson said she drew Santa Claus because he is one of her "favorites."

"I believe in Santa Claus when other people won't believe in Santa Claus," she said. "I'm going to buy a whole bunch of them to send to my family. I'm so proud."

The purpose of the Christmas card campaign is not only to raise money for the foundation but also raise awareness for MCAR.

"So many people focus on the disabilities," Mrs. Coleman said. "We're trying to focus on abilities and what they can do."

Mrs. Coleman, who has been with the ARC Foundation since March, said the foundation previously raised funds with golf outings or monetary gifts, but this is the first year for the Christmas card fund-raiser. If it proves successful, she said, it will become an annual event. The foundation has already sold over 800 cards in the past two weeks.

"If all goes well, we plan on holding the contest in conjunction with Christmas activities so that everybody's in the spirit already," Mrs. Coleman said.

Mrs. Shuffstall dedicated her "Joy Dove" calligraphy Christmas card design to her mother, Abby Koi of Mercer, who has suffered from Type 2 diabetes for 30 years.

A friend told Mrs. Shuffstall, who has been doing calligraphy since 1973, about the American Diabetes Association's Christmas card contest. She submitted two designs from her studio, the "Joy Dove" and a Hanukkah design.

Mrs. Shuffstall entered the contest simply to support the American Diabetes Association.

"Almost everyone knows someone who has diabetes. It's a pretty nasty disease," she said. "It certainly supports the organization, that's the most important thing. It does something ... everyone who buys a card supports the organization, which helps people like my mother."

As for Mrs. Shuffstall's mother's reaction, "Of course she was excited."

For more information about the Arc of Mercer County Foundation cards, call Mrs. Coleman at (724) 981-2950. For more information about the cards from the American Diabetes Association, visit the Web site at:

To order a card call 1-800-608-4279.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Erin Remai at

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