The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, Sept. 29, 2001


Fire forces residents from their apartments

Residents of Greenville House, most of them senior citizens, were back in their apartments Friday afternoon after a fire at 8:25 a.m. on the second floor of the high-rise, firefighters said.

Light smoke spread throughout the 10-story apartment house at 9 Penn Ave. in Greenville, said Fire Chief Walter "Chad" Sankey.

The cause of the fire, which started in apartment 205, is under investigation but ruled accidental, Sankey said.

The tenant, Loisceille Moeslein, was at a doctor's appointment at the time, said Fire Lt. Steve Thompson.

The building has a sprinkler system, but only in the hallway.

Firefighters were on scene until 9:30 a.m. A damage estimate was unavailable, but fire and smoke damage was limited to a couch and an end table in apartment 205, firefighters said.

Sally Bailey, Greenville House manager, said the walls were blackened and items in the living room melted. Fire, smoke and water damage left the apartment uninhabitable, Mrs. Bailey said.

Some of the apartments above Ms. Moeslein's suffered light smoke damage, Mrs. Bailey said. She said fans were set up to dissipate the smoke.

About 70 residents were evacuated and returned in about a half hour after the fire was out and the smoke was cleared, Sankey and Thompson said.

Ms. Moeslein is staying with relatives, Mrs. Bailey said.

Hempfield Township firefighters assisted.

It was the first fire at the high-rise in 20 years, Mrs. Bailey said.

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