The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2001


Stull leads pack of five

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

Three incumbents staved off their two challengers in a race for three seats on the Hermitage Board of Commissioners.

Democrat Sylvia Stull, who is in her 23rd year on the board, collected 2,131 votes to lead the pack.

Mrs. Stull and Democrat Larry Gurrera, who collected the second-most votes with 2,094, earned four-year terms. Republican Joe Augustine won a two-year seat by collecting the third-most votes with 1,842.

Democrat Regina Ehrhart and Republican Chuck Nelson finished fourth and fifth, respectively.

"I'm elated," said Mrs. Stull, 75, of Sample Road.

Mrs. Stull, the only woman ever to have served on the board, serves as its vice president.

When asked why she thought she was the most popular candidate in the five-way race, Mrs. Stull said, "I think it stems from the way I care about people. I'd bend over backwards to try to resolve someone's problems."

Mrs. Stull also said she is dedicated.

She has missed just two meetings in her 23 years. Ironically, she collected 2,131 votes in the election -- the same number of games it took for Cal Ripken to break Lou Gehrig's hallowed endurance record for consecutive baseball games played.

Gurrera and Augustine could not be reached for comment Tuesday night.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Tom Fontaine at

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