The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2001


School board gets two new faces

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Some of the faces on Sharon City School Board will change.

Voters Tuesday elected newcomers Sandra Sigler-Hoover and Melvin Bandzak and retained board President the Rev. Lora Adams-King and Pamela Corini. Republican Joyce Grimenstein, a retired academic principal from Sharon, lost.

Mrs. Sigler-Hoover and Bandzak will replace Donald Golub and Amity Messett, who did not seek re-election.

"I'm glad it's over, and I'm glad I won," said Ms. Adams-King, 37, a Democrat. "I want to thank the people who supported us. I'll continue to do the best job I can." Ms. Adams-King has served on the board for five years.

Mrs. Corini, 47, a Democrat, said she too wanted to thank the voters and she looks forward to working for residents for the next two years. This will be Mrs. Corini's third consecutive term.

"I'm humbled that the voters came out and supported me," said the 34-year-old Mrs. Sigler-Hoover, who cross-filed. "I'm just thrilled to pieces. I look forward to serving on the board."

Bandzak, 51, who also cross filed, said he is pleased that he won and is looking forward to serving again. Bandzak was a school director from 1984 to 1988.

In January a new director will be appointed to fill the seat of Nick Morocco, who was elected city controller.

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