The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, Jan. 12, 2002


Stanton: Give VFD members tax break

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

Volunteer firefighters are willing to dedicate time for training and put their lives on the lines at fires because their towns cannot afford to pay them.

But Wheatland Mayor Tom Stanton believes there is something communities can do for the volunteers to thank them for their effort and attract new volunteers: abate some of their municipal income tax, based on the time they spend training and responding to calls.

"Indirectly, it would give them a payment," Stanton said, noting that his borough pays for workers compensation insurance for the volunteers.

Stanton credited the idea to Thomas A. Klaum, president of the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs. But the proposal needs to work its way through the organization's ranks before PSAB can support it and try to turn it into legislation.

A PSAB board member, Stanton started the ball rolling by asking Wheatland council to pass a resolution supporting the idea. Council did so Wednesday.

Stanton will bring the resolution before the Mercer County Boroughs Association and, if the county borough representatives approve it, the idea will go to PSAB's legislative committee.

Should PSAB support the idea, it would try to get a legislator to draft a bill and submit it to the General Assembly for consideration as a law.

Stanton, who mentioned the idea at Tuesday's Shenango Valley Intergovernmental Study Committee meeting, said he really hasn't stumped for the idea outside of Wheatland council and has no idea if there will be any support for it beyond his home borders. But he believes municipalities would be willing at least to consider it.

"Most people want to support their fire departments," said Stanton a longtime Wheatland fire department member who no longer fights fires.

In Wheatland, where there are 15 to 20 volunteers, the tax abatement wouldn't hurt the budget much, carving out a small piece of the $30,000 residents pay in income taxes.

The 69-year-old said he left the proposal open-ended so that specifics can be revised.

"I'm sure someone's going to want to work out a formula," he said. "The formula should be based on their active time."

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Joe Pinchot at

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