The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2002


Retirement window opened for 25-year firefighter

Farrell council is paving the way for a firefighter to retire with a full pension.

Council adopted an ordinance on its first reading Monday creating a retirement window for Jerry Cannone. The ordinance would eliminate the minimum age requirement until Feb. 28.

Normal requirements are for firefighters to be at least 50 years old and have 25 years of service.

Cannone, 47, has been a firefighter for 25 years. He was eligible to retire in 1998 when an earlier retirement window was opened for other firefighters, said City Manager LaVon Saternow.

At that time, he chose to stay with the fire department.

Because he was eligible then, council has agreed to open a new window for him to retire early, she said.

Cannone would receive the maximum pension benefits, a monthly payment of half his current salary, if he retires, she said.

If Cannone retires, his departure would leave the department with two full-time firefighters, but the station still would be manned 24 hours a day, said Chief Joseph Santell.

Part-timers and volunteers have rounded out shifts, and two full-time street department employees, who are trained firefighters, fill in as needed.

The ordinance must be passed again to go into effect.

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