The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, Feb. 8, 2002


Potential jurors say not familiar with probe

CLEVELAND (AP) -- Potential jurors in the bribery trial of U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. have heard little about the wide-ranging corruption probe, according to jury questionnaires reviewed Thursday by both sides.

Twenty-five of 105 potential jurors said they had read or heard about the four-year FBI investigation in Traficant's hometown of Youngstown. The probe has led to more than 70 convictions, including judges, prosecutors, a sheriff and a Traficant aide.

Most of those familiar with the investigation indicated they knew only bare details. Of those familiar with the probe, most who responded to a related question said they supported such enforcement activity.

"If people are committing crimes they should be prosecuted but the government should be careful of overzealousness," one said.

Traficant, 60, has been accused of accepting gifts and favors in exchange for using his political influence, forcing his staff to make cash kickbacks or do favors for him, tax falsification and racketeering.

Traficant, although he's not a lawyer, is defending himself in the trial, which could last about eight weeks. If convicted, he could be sentenced to 63 years in prison and could face expulsion from the House.

The U.S. District Court trial was in recess Thursday at Traficant's request so he could have more time to review the 45-page jury questionnaires.

The trial is to resume today, when both sides will have a chance to question prospective jurors.

Only nine prospective jurors said they had either a positive or negative opinion of the outspoken Traficant, a nine-term Democrat who predicted as the trial began that either he or the prosecutors would wind up in prison. Most jurors didn't specify how they felt about Traficant.

Under a 5-year-old system, the jury pool was drawn from the Cleveland area, excluding three northeast Ohio counties represented by Traficant. Those counties are used to draw juries for trials in Youngstown.

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