The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002


Meningitis probable cause of girl's death

A Slippery Rock High School junior initially diagnosed with viral meningitis died Friday but her official cause of death won't be released until laboratory tests are complete, health officials said.

Ashley Anderson, 17, of Branchton Road, Slippery Rock Township, died at 4:40 p.m. in UPMC Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh, state health officials said.

Meanwhile, a University of Pittsburgh student was hospitalized over the weekend with a case of bacterial meningitis, an Allegheny County health department official said.

Slippery Rock Area School District officials sent a letter to parents last week about Ashley's illness, said state Department of Health spokesman Richard McGarvey.

Ashley, a member of Branchton Methodist Church and its youth group, was a varsity basketball cheerleader, a member of the Rock-n-ettes and a Slippery Rock Youth Cheerleader coach, according to her obituary.

She also received numerous medals and trophies at regional, state and national competitions while dancing with the Starz Dance Center of Branchton, and she taught beginning jazz and gymnastics classes.

The Pitt student's family, roommate and other people who were in close contact with him received antibiotics after he was diagnosed.

He was in a hospital intensive care unit Monday, and his health is improving, Allegheny County Health Department spokesman Dave Zazac told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for today's editions.

Ashley was diagnosed with the viral form of meningitis, which is considered less serious than the bacterial form that the Pitt student contracted.

Bacterial meningitis is spread through close contact, such as kissing or sharing eating utensils.

Bacterial meningitis is an infection of the fluid and membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Its flulike symptoms can include high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and a stiff neck.

The disease kills in roughly 10 percent of cases and does serious harm, including brain damage, in another 10 percent.

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