The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, Feb. 15, 2002


Sen. Robbins kicks off campaign

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

State Sen. Robert D. "Bob" Robbins, Salem Township, R-50th District, kicked off his campaign for a fourth term in the Senate with a districtwide bus tour Thursday.

To date, no Republicans have come forward to oppose Robbins in the GOP primary. Kyle Klaric, a Hermitage businessman who runs plants in Farrell and Crawford County, said last week he is seeking the Democratic nomination.

Robbins touted himself as a lawmaker who has the will and experience to get things done.

"An important part of my job is producing results for the district. There has been a tremendous amount of state money coming into the 50th District for transportation improvements, job creation and community development," Robbins said at his first stop of the day at the Greenville Railroad Museum.

Robbins also made a stop at the Hermitage Municipal Building.

"Experience and effective leadership do make a difference. Holding a leadership position, I have an impact on the direction of state government," Robbins said.

"Working with our local leaders and individuals we have continued to support local projects and to influence state officials to make sensible and fair decisions concerning our district," he added.

When asked what role he could play in getting the Borough of Greenville -- Robbins' hometown -- back on its financial feet and helping the town see through its recreation and revitalization project, Robbins said, "I can work closely with the borough to ensure that the bureaucracy responds."

Robbins helped the borough secure a $2.2 million capital improvement grant for the project.

"I am proud of what we have been able to accomplish with economic development programs, educational funding, senior citizen programs and facilities, to support our National Guard, to recognize our veterans for their contributions, and in helping our volunteer and rescue personnel to better protect our communities," Robbins said.

Under reapportionment legislation passed recently, the 50th District includes all of Mercer and Crawford counties and parts of Lawrence and Butler counties.

Robbins is Senate majority caucus secretary and vice chairman of the Military Committee. He is a member of the Community and Economic Development, Game and Fisheries, Rules and Executive Nominations, and Communications and High Technology committees.

Robbins, 57, is a Greenville High and West Point graduate and a Vietnam veteran.

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