The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, Feb. 15, 2002


District court deal is close

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

Mercer County Commissioners said Thursday they are close to finalizing a deal to buy a new district court office in Greenville.

The current office of District Justice William L. Fagley is one of three units in the Starr Building Condominium on Clinton Street. The other two units house a law firm and a dentist's office.

The county owns the unit that houses the district court.

"We are in the process of moving that (district court) office to a better location," said Chairman Commissioner Cloyd E. "Gene" Brenneman.

Brenneman said the other two occupants in the condo have expressed interest in the unit that houses the district court.

Commissioner Olivia M. Lazor said the county has been hunting for new office space for Fagley and District Justice Henry J. Russo, Hermitage, for several years. Both district justices have big caseloads and little office space, Mrs. Lazor said.

Money to improve or relocate their offices was earmarked out of the bond issue that is going toward courthouse improvements and building a new county jail.

The county wants to move Russo's office from Hermitage to Farrell, but keep Fagley in Greenville. "We want to maintain a presence in Greenville," she said.

She did not say where in the borough the new office could be located.

Mrs. Lazor said the county must get its Clinton Street condo appraised before it can sell the unit and then close a deal on a new building.

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