The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, Feb. 16, 2002


'Weed' is working, prosecutor reports

Mercer County Assistant District Attorney Robert Kochems said Weed and Seed police details have put a dent in visible criminal activity in Farrell and Sharon.

Reporting January figures, Kochems said police worked 384 hours and made 89 stops for traffic violations, which led to warnings and citations being issued and charges for 30 non-traffic violations.

Four people were arrested on warrants during those stops, including one for aggravated assault, he said.

Police made 10 other arrests while they were out on non-traffic details.

Weed and Seed is a state program that provides state funding and other resources to revitalize an area through a law enforcement crackdown and community-building activities.

Kochems is coordinator the crackdown, the so-called "weed" side of the program.

The numbers are down from December, when 46 arrests were made, 25 on warrants, and 70 traffic stops resulted in 35 more substantial charges.

"We believe we are having an impact," Kochems said.

Police also started walking through bars and into houses where teen parties were suspected to be occurring, and talking to groups of people hanging out on corners.

Police did not arrest anyone on warrants during those walk-throughs or spot any activity that led them to file criminal charges, he said. That shows that street criminal activity has decreased, he said.

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