The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, March 7, 2002


Hadley man goes on trial in fraud case

PITTSBURGH (AP) -- A mail carrier from Hadley who said he was too injured to work after a car hit him on his route is on trial, accused of workers compensation fraud.

Prosecutors say John L. McDonald, 60, who had a route in Greenville, collected some $18,000 in workers compensation while still selling antiques on the Internet and working a booth at the Valley View Antique Mall in Brookfield.

He is accused of mail fraud and making false statements to the U.S. Department of Labor. His case began Wednesday before U.S. District Judge Gustave Diamond in Pittsburgh.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Tina Miller alleged that McDonald was employed outside his federal position while collecting benefits. He lied to the Labor Department by claiming he wasn't working, she said.

Marketa Sims, a public defender representing McDonald, said the government's case is faulty because the money he made was outside wages that have to be reported in a workers compensation claim.

McDonald was hit by a car in 1999 and suffered bruises and a sprained wrist.

Prosecutors say that while he was collecting government benefits, McDonald earned $19,285 on his eBay account, through which he sold antiques, and another $15,607 selling antiques at the mall.

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