The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, March 7, 2002

'Snow White' employs creative casting

'Snow White' cast members

The cast of the Columbia Theatre's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," and the schools they attend are:
Breanna Mild in the chorus.
Sean Leonard as Huntsman, Kelly Knisley as Esmerelda, Sara Liska as Jenna, Michael Delaney as Sarge, Carley Leonard as Gabby, Sarah Forner as Ticklish, and Chris Hull, Caitlen Hull and Michael Carroll in the chorus.
Notre Dame School, Hermitage
Alexa Magnotto as Snow White, Daniel Kirsch as Snore, Renee Cantrell as Slowpoke, and Jamie Kirsch as Leta.
Rhema Christian Academy, New Wilmington
Allison Gunn as Queen and Crone.
Toni Hrycyk and Allison Wilson as Vixen, Mackenzie Black as Gloomy Gus, Demond White as Spritely, Kaitie Wilson as Sharon, Vanessa Reiser as Reginia, and Casey Ryan, Kelly Coates, Tyler Mihalson and Lindsey Reiser in the chorus.
Ashley Rice as Cat, and Vincenzia Sopko and Joseph Bonanni in the chorus.
West Middlesex
Chad Saylor as Prince Robert, and Jake Gartner in the chorus.
By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

One of the toughest jobs a theatrical director faces is cutting people after tryouts.

"I've had that problem from year one," said Bill Clary, artistic director for the Columbia Theatre, which is readying "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" for performances Friday through Sunday and next weekend at the Buhl Farm Casino, Hermitage.

"I hate to cut anybody out," said Clary, who directed Sharon High School theatrical productions for 22 years.

When 87 children auditioned for the 16-role play, there was no way he could get them all in. But he could make a few changes to squeeze in a few more.

"I embellished a little bit," he said. That included creating the roles of some maids and adding to the size of the chorus.

The play is already a little different from what devotees of Walt Disney will know, but not much.

Because Disney owns the copyright, there will be no Sneezy, Dopey or Doc.

"The characterizations are about the same, but the names are different to protect the innocent," Clary quipped.

Snow White retains her name and the dwarfs still number seven, but go by the names Ticklish, Sarge, Gloomy Gus, Snore, Slowpoke, Gabby and Spritely.

The songs also are different, but the talents of the young singers should overshadow any unfamiliarity.

"I've got some excellent voices, both male and female," said Clary, who also is handling musical direction and choreography, and made costumes with his wife, Carol. "Even a lot who are in the chorus have excellent voices."

Working with children from ages 8 to 18, Clary said the older performers generally have an easier time understanding what he wants. It usually takes a little more work with the younger thespians, which is where stage mothers come in handy, helping keep the children focused on the task at hand.

The looming of opening night certainly helps.

"While they're learning, it's hectic," Clary said Tuesday. "These next three days will shape up for a pretty decent performance."

Clary said he's always nervous come opening night and often worries in the last rehearsals that they might not be ready.

"Kids like to give directors a heart attack until opening night," he said.

But opening night has never bombed.

"It usually runs pretty smooth," Clary said. "When push comes to shove, the kids come through."

Once the performances are under way, Clary steers clear of back stage, preferring to take in the show from the audience.

"I'm out front," he said. "That's their responsibility. We've gone through it enough."

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" will be staged at 7 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and March 16 and 17. Tickets: (724) 962-9395.
You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Joe Pinchot at

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