The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, March 13, 2002


Councilman pays to keep lights shining

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

In response to some residents' fiscal concerns, Greenville Councilman David P. Henderson said Tuesday he plans to use part of his monthly stipend to cover the cost of running three light bulbs at the sports complex in West Salem Township.

Some residents have complained the borough is wasting money lighting the unused complex at night. Henderson disagreed, citing security reasons.

The cost of lighting the area around buildings at the complex has been included in the borough's monthly electric bill, which averages about $7,000.

The average cost of lighting the three bulbs has been about $41 a month for three months, Henderson said, adding he would have the cost of the bill deducted from his council stipend. Henderson makes about $100 a month as councilman.

"I just want to put this issue to rest," he said.

Resident Warren Shaw said he would like to see other borough lights turned off at night.

"I think we're way overlit at night," Shaw said, noting the borough should turn off half its street lights at night, to cut its electric bill in half.

When asked which lights should be turned off, Shaw said ones along Main Street.

Borough Manager Kenneth S. Weaver said the borough pays a per-pole cost to run those lights, none of which is metered.

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