The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, March 28, 2002


United Way celebrates reaching funding goal

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

The Northern Mercer County United Way celebrated its year of tall tasks and long efforts Wednesday at its annual dinner meeting on the campus of Thiel College in Greenville.

The group surpassed its fundraising campaign goal this year, despite a leadership change and the impact of an economic downturn that became a nose-dive after Sept. 11.

The group received $231,228 in campaign pledges. Campaign chair Sue Anderson Nicklin said about 2,500 individuals gave -- an increase in 40 percent over last year.

"We worried and fretted more this year," Mrs. Nicklin said. "We had a new director fresh out of college and national and community concerns."

In the weeks and months after Sept. 11, there was a tidal wave of giving to national agencies and causes. "We wondered, 'Would people remember the local agencies?' But our community came through," Mrs. Nicklin said. "And so did our director."

Executive Director Kelly Turcic said, "Through the persistence and dedication of many, we were able to broaden our campaign base, reaching hundreds more individuals and businesses. Due to the efforts, well over 75 businesses and a number of individuals made a pledge to the Northern Mercer County United Way and to our community."

Ms. Turcic said the group targeted "first-time givers." She said Thiel College students were tremendously generous; they pledged $1,153.

Board President Bradley Gosser lauded the efforts of Ms. Turcic and Nancy Varner, who steered the group prior to Ms. Turcic's hiring.

Jon Kolb, an offensive lineman who earned four Super Bowl rings with the Pittsburgh Steelers and is director of personal fitness at Sharon Regional Health System, was the featured speaker at the event.

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