The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, March 29, 2002


Steel City residents get break on damages, garbage hauling

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

Maureen Archie couldn't understand how she could be charged for holes in the walls of her former apartment when the apartment will not be occupied again and is slated for demolition in a number of months.

The former public housing resident of Steel City Terrace, Farrell, also protested being charged $350 to remove a couch that was outside the apartment, and a chair in the basement.

Mercer County Housing Authority Occupancy Manager Holly Nogay said an inspector reported that three couches were removed.

Ms. Archie, a mother of six, denied that she left that much furniture behind, but added that it shouldn't have cost $350.

"You can pay one of these hauler people $20 to come and take it out," she said Thursday at a meeting with authority officials.

All told, Ms. Archie was charged $619.

Ms. Archie was among the first crop of Steel City residents to be relocated in preparation for the demolition of the public housing apartments.

Other residents claimed they were charged for pickup of trash when they left none behind, overcharged for removal of items they left behind, and improperly charged for damage they did not cause.

Unable to verify residents' claims that they were improperly charged, authority Executive Director L. DeWitt Boosel said Thursday he will erase all the charges, and asked his staff to come up with a plan so that future relocations would be handled differently.

"Up to this point, the residents have cooperated and have been very good," Boosel said.

Boosel explained that residents were to be charged for damage they did to items that could be reused, such as lamp shades and screen doors.

While the authority does not want to put new things into apartments slated for demolition, 45 apartments will remain open at all times, a request made by residents, Boosel said. The authority needs to make sure the apartments are livable, he said.

Residents should not be charged for holes in walls, he said.

The garbage charges were levied because it costs the authority to haul items away. He said it is important that the apartments be clean, even if they're not occupied, because garbage left behind could attract rodents and insects.

Officials have said demolition could begin in June.

The authority paid for moving expenses.

Residents had a right to be at the final inspection of the apartment, officials said, but residents said they were not told that.

In another case of apparent miscommunication, Betty Simmons said she was told she would be charged $15 to remove a chair and a skid she left behind, but was charged $75.

Boosel said the authority will make up a checklist of things residents need to do in preparation for a move, and residents will have to sign off on the list.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Joe Pinchot at

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